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Kids - we have a special service just for you! You will learn in our Community Life Building (CLB) through a Rotation Workshop Model and enjoy a hands-on learning approach! The Workshop Rotation Kids Program is designed for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. This model is a wonderful approach to growing our children's faith and expanding their knowledge of the most important Bible stories and themes. The same Bible story is taught for a 3 to 5 week rotation. Each week the children get to experience the Bible story through a different creative learning style to broaden their retention and memory. The workshops include: art, drama, Bible skills and games, cooking, movie theater, Lego, and more!

Parents - please check your children in before they head over to the Community Life Building. Kids will be released during the greeting portion of service, after the worship time.

Children's church is for kids in Kinder - 5th grade.